UPDATE: ColorOfChange responds to reports that McDonald's has ended its membership in ALEC.
Today, State Farm, Johnson & Johnson and McDonald's have all been receiving phone calls from ColorOfChange members and allies. Hundreds of people are making calls to the three new corporations to demand that the companies stop funding ALEC, the conservative policy group behind voter suppression and "Shoot First" bills. In Florida, the so-called "Stand your Ground" law -- the prototype for ALEC's model legislation -- has been used to defend the actoins of Trayvon Martin's killer.
Last week, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Kraft Foods all announced that their relationships with ALEC had drawn to a close. And yesterday, our members started contacting AT&T, with the good folks at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) joining us in the wake of their own victory with the Gates Foundation.
This campaign is on fire, and we are so excited by all that you're doing to support.
Will you help us hold State Farm, Johnson & Johnson,McDonald's, and AT&T accountable for supporting voter suppression and Kill at Will bills? Please take a moment to call and demand that they stop supporting ALEC.